Prevention is better than Cure

EECP for Diabetes

EECP for Diabetes

EECP controls body blood glucose levels by greater utilization of blood glucose by the cells, enhancing insulin secretion, and improving the cell's sensitivity to insulin.

Diabetes is a condition where the glucose in your blood is higher than average. This condition is due to your pancreas not able to secrete enough insulin to help the body cells utilize the blood glucose, or your cells become resistant to the insulin.

There are many strategies followed to manage diabetes. The most simple one is exercise, which is remarkably comparable with the most complex approach of the administration of drugs. Exercise can able to increase insulin secretion and also able to reduce insulin resistance. EECP treatment has shown to act as an intensive exercise, so its effect will undoubtedly have a favorable impact on blood glucose levels in diabetic patients.

EECP Reduces Blood Sugar Levels.

Studies have shown a course of EECP in patients with Type II diabetes mellitus has shown to decrease blood glucose levels and glycosylated hemoglobin levels significantly. The treatment will help the patients to have excellent control over their blood glucose levels with ease. The procedure is also risk-free and can also be repeated when needed. So, EECP for diabetes control will be a new non-drug,natural strategy.

The long term complication of diabetes is vascular damage, both microvascular and macrovascular. This damage is due to the chronically elevated blood glucose level. Uncontrolled diabetes leads to impaired nitric oxide production by the vascular endothelium, which is basically the cells lining and providing cover to the inner part of vessels.

EECP Protect Blood Vessels.

Nitric oxide is a potent natural vessel wall protector against stress, inflammation, prevents thrombus ( clot ) formation, and helps the vessel to retain its flexibility or dilatory property. EECP treatment has shown this nitric oxide level up to 51.9%. This increased level of nitric oxide will have protection against micro and macro vessel complication in diabetes patients.

Another important mechanism of blood glucose control by the body is the ability of insulin to regulate the uptake of glucose utilization by skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, brain, and adipose tissue. This utilization is mediated by a transport transporter protein called GLUT 4. The primary usage of glucose is our skeletal muscles. A study has shown a course of EECP treatment has increased the skeletal muscle GLUT-4 protein by 47%. Now, this increase in nitric oxide and GLUT-4 protein together plays a major role in the uptake of glucose and enhancing the insulin effect. Overall, the insulin sensitivity index ( ISI) improved by 21%. It means post EECP treatment; patients only require less level of insulin to reduce the blood glucose level.

The net benefit is patients fasting blood sugar level decreases up to 17 mg/dl, and similarly, postprandial 120 min blood sugar decreases up to 28mg/dl. The measure of the average blood sugar level over 2-3 months HBAIC ( Glycated hemoglobin test) also reduced significantly.These studies show EECP for diabetes patients can enhance better utilization of blood sugar levels.


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The clinic will provide natural health-enhancing EECP therapy to achieve an enhanced quality of life and improved physical capacitance. So come and reap the gift of science and restore your youthful vigor.
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